
Dry Lake Red Hill


December 22, 2012, 4:30 PM (estimate)

Fossil Falls turnoff, Highway 395, Rose Valley, California, USA

Canon Powershot G12 on tripppod

6.1mm (fixed 6.1 – 30.5mm)

ISO 80, f7.1, AEB – 3 exposures 0.5 to 1/30th

Wondrous Wanderings

As a break from a long drive from Boise to Los Angeles just before Christmas 2012, I entertained the exploration of curiosity inspiring signpost on CA 395 reading Fossil Falls. Heading South down the Owens Valley, between the towering Sierra Nevada and the White Mountains you become aware of former volcanic fury that left an increasing frequency of cinder cones and scattered basaltic shrapnel.

The Fossil Falls exit borders lava flows of the Coso Volcanic Field, likely from Volcano Peak. Estimated 10 to 400 thousand years ago, successive flows altering the Owens River path on multiple occasions. Combine rapidly flowing water fueled by the most recent retreating glacial maxima period (Tioga) and a river ladened with abrasive volcanic material ripping over vesicular basalt and you’ve got a perpetual polishing engine. Over time, vigorous tornadic eddied of trapped rock bore, sculpted and polished the the lava flow to an impressive shine. Sculptural art inspired by hydrologic physics. Similar to an Idaho favorite, Black Magic Canyon, this find was indeed a treat.

As the rapidly chilling air of the evening accompanied the sun descending behind the Sierra Nevada Mountains, I wandered around a few fingers of a series of small dry lake beds at the base of Red Hill, a prominent 600 foot cinder cone. The cracked white playa was beautiful enough. Fine sediment infused with alkali salts evaporate and dry revealing the characteristic crack pattern of a hardened salt pan. The playa was fringed by dark gray, wind-sculpted cinder dunes. The dunes was advancing, sending scouts to fill and accentuate the crack pattern. Combine with sunset color and you have a Pure Pulse moment.


Failing light and the intent to process an HDR (high dynamic range) image called for a speed scout and a tripppod setup. I set a spot exposure to establish a favorable base exposurefor the +- 2EV (exposurevalue) AEB (auto exposure bracket). The result was 3 shots exposed to ensure I had good tonality in the sunset brightness as well as the umbral dark cinder. Post Production in Lightroom, PhotoMatrix and Photoshop.

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